Michael H. Cohen – Curriculum Vitae

2017 CV (Click to Download)


Cohen MH. Creative writing for lawyers. New York: Citadel Press; 1991; 142 pages.

Cohen MH. Complementary and alternative medicine: legal boundaries and regulatory perspectives. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press; 1998; 180 pages.

Cohen MH. Beyond complementary medicine: legal and ethical perspectives on health care and human evolution. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2000; 214 pages.

Cohen MH. Future medicine: ethical dilemmas, regulatory challenges, and therapeutic pathways to health and healing in human transformation. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2003; 350 pages.

Cohen MH. Legal issues in integrative medicine. Washington, D.C.: NAF Publications; 2005; 99 pages.

Cohen MH. Healing at the borderland of medicine and religion. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press; 2006; 229 pages.

Cohen MH, Ruggie M, Micozzi M. Integrative medicine: a legal and operational guide. New York: Springer; 2006; 202 pages.

Original Articles in Peer-Reviewed Medical Journals

Cohen MH. Malpractice considerations affecting the clinical integration of complementary and alternative medicine. Curr Prac of Med 1999;2:4:87-89.

Ernst EE, Cohen MH. Informed consent in complementary and alternative medicine. Arch Intern Med 2001;161:19:2288-2292.

Cohen MH, Eisenberg DM. Potential physician malpractice liability associated with complementary/integrative medical therapies. Ann Intern Med; 2002;136:596-603.

Eisenberg DM, Cohen MH, Hrbek A, Grayzel J, van Rompay MI, Cooper, RA. Credentialing complementary and alternative medical providers. Ann Intern Med; 2002;137:965-973.

Adams KE, Cohen MH, Jonsen AR, Eisenberg DM. Ethical considerations of complementary and alternative medical therapies in conventional medical settings. Ann Intern Med; 2002;137:660-664.

Cohen, MH. Complementary and integrative medical therapies, the FDA, and the NIH: definitions and regulation. Derm Ther 2003;16:77-84.

Cohen MH. Regulation, religious experience, and epilepsy: a lens on complementary therapies. Epilepsy Behav 2003;4:6:602-606.

Kemper K, Cohen MH. Ethics in complementary medicine: new light on old principles. Contemporary Pediatrics 2004;21:3:61-72.

Ernst EE, Cohen MH, Stone J. Ethical problems arising in evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine. J Med Ethics 2004;30: 156-159.

Cohen MH, Schacter S. Facilitating IRB consideration of protocols involving complementary and alternative medical therapies. Clin Researcher 2004;4:3:2-6.

Cohen MH. Legal and ethical issues in complementary medicine: a U.S. perspective. Med J Australia 2004;181:3:168-169.

Cohen MH, Kemper KJ. Complementary therapies in pediatrics: A Legal Perspective. Pediatrics, 2005; 115: 774 – 780.

Cohen MH, Hrbek A, Davis R, Schachter S, Kemper KJ, Boyer EW, Eisenberg DM. Emerging credentialing practices, malpractice liability policies, and guidelines governing complementary and alternative medical practices and dietary supplements recommendations: a descriptive study of 19 integrative health care centers in the U.S. Arch Int Med 2005;165:289-295.

Cohen MH, Sandler L, Hrbek A, Davis RB, Eisenberg DM. Policies Pertaining to Complementary and Alternative Medical Therapies in a Random Sample of 39 Academic Health Centers. Alt Ther Health Med 2005;11:1:36-40.

Schouten R, Cohen MH. Legal perspectives on integrative medicine. Sem Integrative Med 2004;2:4:152-158.

Dobos GJ, Tan L, Cohen MH, McIntyre M, Bauer R, Li X, Bensoussan A, Are national quality standards for traditional Chinese herbal medicine sufficient? Current governmental regulations for traditional Chinese herbal medicine in certain Western countries and China as the Eastern origin country. Comp. Therap. Med. 2005;13:183-190.

Cohen MH. Legal issues in caring for patients with kidney disease by integrating complementary therapies. ACKD Journal 2005; 12:3-300-311.

Cohen MH, Kemper KJ, Stevens L, Hashimoto D, Gilmour J, Pediatric use of complementary therapies: ethical and policy choices. Pediatrics. Electronic Pages.2005; 116: e568 – e575.

Cohen MH. The Institute of Medicine Report on Complementary and Alternative Medicine: a reflection. Sem Integrative Med 2005;3:3:75-6.

Cohen MH. Legal and ethical issues relating to use of complementary therapies in pediatric hematology/oncology. J Ped Hematology/Oncology 2006 Mar;28(3):190-3.

Cohen MH. Harmonizing the cacophony: commentary on status of credentialing alternative providers within A Subset of U.S. academic health centers, J Alt Comp Med 2006; J Alt Comp Med 2006; 2006:12:3:337-339.

Eisenberg DM, Post DE, Hrbek AL, Connelly MT, Levy D, O’Connor B Cunningham M, Davis RB, Cohen MH, Cherkin DC, Buring JE. Testing a model of integrative care in an academic health center: results of a pilot study. Abstract, presented at conference event by the Consortium of Academic Health Centers in Integrative Medicine held May 24-27, 2006 in Edmonton, Alberta.

Russell NC, Cohen MH, Kirkwood C, Cohen L. Discussing complementary therapies in an oncology setting; J Soc Integr Oncol. 2007 Winter;5(1):18-24. Review.

Vohra, S, Cohen MH. Ethics of complementary and alternative medicine use in children. Pediatr. Clin. North Am. 2007 Dec;54(6)875-884.

Original Articles in Law Reviews and Law Journals

Cohen MH. Reconstructing the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing as a tort. Calif L Rev 1985;73:1291-1331.

Cohen MH. A fixed star in health care reform: the emerging paradigm of holistic healing. Ariz State L J 1995;27:79-173.

Cohen MH. Toward a bioethics of compassion. Ind L Rev 1995;28:667-668.

Cohen MH. Holistic health care: including complementary and alternative medicine in insurance and regulatory schemes. Ariz L Rev 1996;38:83-164.

Cohen MH. Malpractice and vicarious liability for providers of complementary and alternative medicine. Bender’s Health Care Monthly (July) 1996;3-12.

Cohen MH. U.S. dietary supplement regulation: belief systems and legal rules. Hastings W Law J 2000:11:1:3-21.

Cohen MH. Advising health care institutions integrating complementary & alternative medical providers. Orange County Lawyer. July 2000:16-18.

Cohen MH. The risk of malpractice liability in credentialing complementary & alternative medical providers. Orange County Lawyer. April 2000:16-18.

Cohen MH. The emerging field of law and complementary and alternative medicine. Orange County Lawyer. Feb. 2000:30-32.

Cohen MH. Of rogues and regulation: a review of Accommodating pluralism: the role of complementary & alternative medicine. Vt L Rev 2003;27:3:801-815.

Cohen MH. Healing at the borderland of medicine and religion: regulating potential abuse of authority by spiritual healers. 18:2 J Law & Relig 2004;373-426.

Cohen MH, Ruggie M. Integrating complementary and alternative medical therapies in conventional medical settings: legal quandaries and potential policy models. Cinn L Rev 2004; 72:2:671-729.

Cohen MH. Negotiating integrative medicine: a framework for provider-patient conversations. Negotiation J 2004;30:3;409-433.

Cohen MH. Regulating ‘Healing:’ Notes on the ecology of awareness and the awareness of ecology. St John’s L Rev. 2004;78:4:1167-1192.

Cohen MH, Ruggie M. Overcoming legal and social barriers to integrative medicine. Medical Law Intl 2004:6:339-393.

Reviews, Chapters, Editorials, and Other Publications

Cohen MH. Expanding legal paradigms to incorporate subtle energies. Sub Energ 1995:6;1;99-104.

Cohen MH. Guaranteeing freedom of access to healing: the Access to Medical Treatment Act of 1995. Alt & Comp Therap 1995;1:6:408-410.

Cohen MH. Legal ramifications of homeopathy. J Alt & Comp Med 1995;1:4:10-12.

Cohen MH. Scope of practice limitations on unconventional providers: the case of chiropractic. Alt & Comp Therap 1996;2:2:110-112.

Cohen MH. Ethics in integrative care: the healer’s boundaries. Alt & Comp Therap 1999;5:4;241-243.

Cohen MH. Do clones have souls and other medicolegal mysteries. 1999;5:3 Alt. & Comp Therap1999;5:3:177- 180.

Cohen MH. Yoga, medicine, and the law, Alt Healthcare Mgt 1999;2:3:16-18.

Cohen MH. Medicine in “Flatland:” a tale of two dimensions. Alt & Comp Therap 1999;5:2:110-112.

Cohen MH. Changing U.S. dietary supplements regulation: belief, values, policies. Alt Healthcare Mgt 1999;2:216-218.

Cohen MH. An indigenous Mexican healer: a personal encounter. Alt Healthcare Mgt 1999;2:2:24-26.

Cohen MH. Referral to complementary and alternative medicine providers: a physician’s liability. Integrative Med Consult 1999:44.

Cohen MH. Complementary and alternative medicine policy: the future of regulation. Alt & Comp Therap 1999;5:9:50-52.

Cohen MH. Sex, scandal and spirituality. Alt & Comp Therap 1999;6:6:435-437.

Cohen MH. What is the matrix? A radical look at medico-legal reform. Alt. & Comp Therap. 1999;5:5:319-321.

Cohen MH. Examining the legal status of energy healing, Part 1. Alt Healthcare Mgt 1999;1:2:14-17.

Cohen MH. Examining the legal status of energy healing, Part 2. Alt Healthcare Mgt 1999;2:1:1-3.

Cohen MH. Integrating complementary and alternative therapies: strategic advice for health care institutions. Alt Healthcare Mgt 1999;10:1:1-3.

Cohen MH. Complementary medicine: legal status of the nonlicensed provider in the United States. Comp Ther in Nurs & Midwif 1997;4:3:99-102.

Cohen MH. Third-party reimbursement for complementary practice. In: Clark CC, editor. Encyclopedia of complementary health practices. New York: Springer Publishing Co.;1999. p. 47-49.

Cohen MH. Legal rules affecting complementary and alternative medicine: malpractice and vicarious liability. In: Clark CC, editor. Encyclopedia of complementary health practices. New York: Springer Publishing Co.;1999. p. 85-87.

Cohen MH. Federal regulation of complementary practice through health and insurance fraud legislation. In: Clark CC, editor. Encyclopedia of complementary health practices. New York: Springer Publishing Co.;1999. p. 87-88.

Cohen MH. The federal role in regulating access to complementary and alternative medicine. In: Clark CC, editor. Encyclopedia of complementary health practices. New York: Springer Publishing Co.; 1999. p. 89-91.

Cohen MH. Legal and regulatory structures governing holistic health care in the new millenium. The Long Term View 1999:4:4:17-24.

Cohen MH. Editorial, National teaching standards in yoga. Yoga J. July 2000.

Cohen, MH. Legal and ethical issues in complementary and alternative medicine. In: The desktop guide to complementary and alternative medicine: an evidence-based approach (Ernst, EE, et al, editors). New York: Mosby, Inc.; 2001. p. 404-411.

Cohen MH. Oz MC, Medical malpractice implications of complementary and alternative medicine. In: Robb B, editor. Medical malpractice update. Boulder: Aspen Press; 2001. p. 47-51.

Cohen MH. State law regulation of the practice of medicine: implications for the practice of complementary and alternative medicine. In: Faas N, editor. Integrating complementary medicine in health systems: benefits of complementary medicine. Boulder: Aspen Press; 2001. p. 218-225.

Cohen MH. Malpractice in complementary and alternative medicine: practical implications for risk managers. In: Faas N, editor. Integrating complementary medicine in health systems: benefits of complementary medicine. Boulder: Aspen Press; 2001. p. 225-234.

Cohen, MH. The role of informed consent in the delivery of complementary and alternative medical therapies. In: Faas N, editor. Integrating complementary medicine in health systems: benefits of complementary medicine. Boulder: Aspen Press; 2001. p.235-241.

Cohen, MH. Forward. In: Campbell LK, Ladenheim CJ, Sherman RP, Sportelli, L. Professional chiropractic practice: ethics, business, jurisprudence & risk management. Fincastle, Virginia: Health Services Publication; 2001. p. 5-8.

Cohen MH. The Tao of credentialing. Comp. Health Prac. Rev. 2001:6:2:173.

Cohen MH. Legal issues in complementary and integrative medicine: a guide for the clinician. In: Perlman M, editor. The medical clinics of north america. Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders; 2002. p. 185-196.

Ernst, EE, Cohen MH. Spiritual informed consent for CAM. Arch Int Med, 2002;162:8;943 (reply to letters).

Cohen MH. CAM regulation in the United States. Comp Ther in Med 2002:10:1:3-7.

Cohen MH. Credentialing in integrative medicine. Int Med;2003;2:3:64-65.

Dumoff A, Cohen MH. Advising from a distance: the legality of web-based clinical consultations—Part I. Alt. & Comp. Therapies. Aug. 2004;231-34.

Cohen MH, Dumoff A. Advising from a distance: the legality of web-based clinical consultations—Part II. Alt. & Comp. Therapies. Oct. 2004;289-293.

Cohen MH. Should yoga studios ask students to sign a liability waiver? Yoga Journal: My Yoga Mentor, Nov. 3, 2004;www.yogajournal.com/teacher/1410.cfm.

Cohen MH. Speaking Mindfully: The legal implications of health advice, part 1. Yoga Journal: My Yoga Mentor, Dec. 5, 2004;www.yogajournal.com/teacher/1413_1.cfm.

Cohen MH. Speaking Mindfully: The legal implications of health advice, part 2. Yoga Journal: My Yoga Mentor, Jan. 6, 2005; http://www.yogajournal.com/teacher/1434_1.cfm.

Cohen MH. The ethics and liabilities of touch. Yoga Journal: My Yoga Mentor, Feb. 2, 2005; http://www.yogajournal.com/teacher/1461_1.cfm.

Cohen MH. How integrative medicine may affect yoga teaching and business. Yoga Journal: My Yoga Mentor, March 3, 2005; http://www.yogajournal.com/teacher/1495_1.cfm.

Cohen MH. Insurance and dually trained yoga teachers. Yoga Journal, April 6, 2005; http://www.yogajournal.com/teacher/1557_1.cfm.

Cohen MH. Ethics, adjustments, and cathartic release. Yoga Journal: My Yoga Mentor, May 16, 2005; http://www.yogajournal.com/teacher/1565_1.cfm.

Cohen MH. The yoga teacher’s employment contract, Part 1. Yoga Journal: My Yoga Mentor, June 16, 2005. http://www.yogajournal.com/teacher/1605_1.cfm.

Cohen MH. The yoga teacher’s employment contract, Part 2. Yoga Journal: My Yoga Mentor, July 16, 2005. http://www.yogajournal.com/teacher/1612_1.cfm.

Cohen MH. The yoga teacher’s employment contract, Part 3. Yoga Journal: My Yoga Mentor, August 30, 2005. http://www.yogajournal.com/teacher/1674_1.cfm.

Cohen MH. Branding a style of yoga. September 25, 2005. http://www.yogajournal.com/teacher/1683_1.cfm.

Cohen MH. Accounting tips for yoga teachers: tax benefits associated with being an independent contractor, October 26, 2005. http://www.yogajournal.com/teacher/1774_3.cfm.

Schouten, R & Cohen MH. Legal issues in integration of complementary therapies into cardiology. In: Frishman WH, Weintraub MI, Micozzi MS, editors. Complementary and Integrative Therapies for Cardiovascular Disease (Elsevier, 2004);pp.20-55.

Cohen MH. Dr. John Mack: A tribute. Shift 2005:6:34-35.

Cohen MH. Forward. In: Acupuncture and state oriental medicine laws. Gig Harbor, WA: NAF Publications, 2005. pp.vi-viii.

Ruggie M, Cohen MH. Integrative medicine centers: moving health care in a new direction. Seminars in Integrative Medicine 2005;3:1:9-16.

Cohen MH. Rosenthal D. Legal issues in integrative oncology. In: Integrative oncology: principles and practice. Oxford: Taylor and Francis Publishing (Mumber, MP, editor); 2006. pp. 101-120.

Cohen MH. Medical freedom legislation: illusory progress? Alt. & Comp. Therapies 2006; 97-101.

Cohen, MH. Some implications of integrative health care for religion, psychology, and the humanities. In: Religion and psychology (Sylvan D. Ambrose, ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; 2006;pp.39-52.

Cohen MH & Schouten R. Legal, regulatory, and ethical issues. In: Complementary and alternative treatments in mental health care. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association (Lake, JH and Spiegel, D, eds.); 2007; pp. 21-33.

Cohen MH. Legal and risk management issues in complementary and alternative medicine. In: Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Ethics, the Patient, and the Physician (Biomedical Ethics Reviews) (Snyder L., ed.). Totowa, NJ: Humana Press; 2007; pp. 167-200;2007.

Cohen MH. The search for regulatory recognition of yoga therapy: legal and policy issues. J Intl Assoc Yoga Ther 2007;17:43-30.

Vohra, S, Cohen MH. Ethics of CAM use in children. In: Pediatric Clinics of North America—Ethics of CAM Use in Children (Complementary and Alternative Medicine Issue) (Rosen L & Riley D, eds.); 2007.

Cohen, MH. Legal and ethical issues regarding evidence-based inclusion of complementary, alternative, and integrative medical therapies. In: The desktop guide to complementary and alternative medicine: an evidence-based approach (Ernst, EE, et al, editors). New York: Mosby, Inc.; pp. 511-512;2008.

Cohen MH. Using legal and ethical issues to guide clinical decision-making in complementary/integrative cancer medicine. In: Alternative/complementary/integrative cancer medicine: interactions with conventional medicine and medical institutions (Markman M & Cohen L, eds.). Totowa, NJ: Humana Press; pp. 15-32;2008.

Cohen MH. Legal issues in integrative health care. In: Integrative cardiology. McGraw-Hill Vogel JH & Krucoff MS, editors, New York: McGraw-Hill;2008.

Cohen MH. Alternative and complementary care ethics. In: Bioethics for Clinicians (Viens, A, editor). Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press; 2008.

Kemper, KJ, Cohen, MH. Complementary therapies in pediatrics: legal perspectives. In: Pediatric hospital medicine. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2008.

Cohen MH. Legal and ethical issues in integrative pain management. In: Integrative Pain Medicine: The Science and Practice of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Pain Management (Audette, JF & Bailey A, editors). Totowa, NJ: Humana Press; 2009.

Cohen MH. John E. Mack, MD: A Tribute. In: Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformations and Alien Encounters (Mack, JE; Commemorative Edition). Largo, FL: Kunati Inc.; 2010.

Gilmour J, Harrison C, Asadi L, Cohen MH, Vohra S. Pediatric use of complementary and alternative medicine: legal, ethical, and clinical issues in decision-making. Pediatrics 2011: 128:S149-154.

Gilmour J, Harrison C, Asadi L, Cohen MH, Vohra S. Natural health product—drug interactions: evolving responsibilities to take complementary and alternative medicine into account. Pediatrics. 2011: 128:S5155-S5160.

Gilmour J, Harrison C, Asadi L, Cohen MH, Vohra S. Hospitals and complementary and alternative medicine: managing responsibilities, risk, and potential liability. Pediatrics: 2011: 128:S2010-S2720.

Gilmour J, Harrison C, Asadi L, Cohen MH, Vohra S. Treating teens: considerations when adolescents want to use complementary and alternative medicine. Pediatrics 2011:128:S161-S166.

Gilmour J, Harrison C, Asadi L, Cohen MH, Vohra S. Childhood immunization: when physicians and parents disagree. Pediatrics 2011; 128:S167-S174.

Gilmour J, Harrison C, Asadi L, Cohen MH, Vohra S. Considering complementary and alternative medicine alternatives in cases of life-threatening illness: applying the best-interests test. Pediatrics 2011: 128:S167-S174.

Gilmour J, Harrison C, Asadi L, Cohen MH, Vohra S. Referrals and shared or collaborative care: managing relationships with complementary and alternative medicine practitioners. Pediatrics 2011; 128:S181-S186.

Gilmour J, Harrison C, Asadi L, Cohen MH, Vohra S. Informed consent: advising patients and parents about complementary and alternative medicine therapies. Pediatrics 2011; 128:S187-S192.

Gilmour J, Harrison C, Asadi L, Cohen MH, Vohra S. Hospitals and complementary and alternative medicine: managing responsibilities, risk, and potential liability. Pediatrics 2011; 128:S193-S199.

Gilmour J, Harrison C, Asadi L, Cohen MH, Vohra S. Complementary and alternative medicine practitioners’ standard of care: responsibilities to patients and parents. Pediatrics 2011; 128:S200-S205.

Abbott, R, Cohen MH. Medico-legal issues in cardiology. Cardiology in Review 2013;21:222-228.

Cohen MH, Natbony S, Abbott R, Complementary and alternative medicine in child and adolescent psychiatry: legal considerations. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2013 Jul;22(3):493-507.

Arhangelsky, P, Cohen MH. What’s behind FDA’s sudden soda interest? Daily Journal; 2014.

Cohen, MH. Telehealth: the future of health care. LegalZoom; 2014.

Cohen, MH. Wearable health technology: health care dream or privacy nightmare? LegalZoom; 2014.

Cohen, MH. Future of Medicine is just a tap away. Daily Journal; November 5, 2014.

Cohen, MH. What 2015 will bring for wearable tech. Daily Journal; December 19, 2014.

Cohen, MHFDA’s General Wellness Guidance is Welcome News. Daily Journal; January 29, 2015.